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Re: Running real rough

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Running real rough
From: GatesDavid@aol.com
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 03:19:02 EDT
Thanks again Joe,

Yes, the air cleaner is on top.  But, the oil is not comming in from outside.
I was able to watch it pretty close while running the engine.  However, I took
the valve cover off just to get a good look see inside and found that push rod
#4 (from the front of the engine) was not attached to the rocker arm.  Its
hard to believe I didn't hear that.  Being an exaust valve my guess is that
when the valve did not open it was actually exausting out the intake valve
when it opened on the next cycle pushing any oil that may have blown by the
rings like you suggested.  Anyway, I checked the rod for damage then
reinstalled it and adjusted all the valve clearances.  This fixed the oil in
the carb problem but it still runs really bad.  Can anyone think of anything
that may have been damaged by this exaust valve push rod not being attached.
Maybe the rings on this cylinder were damaged by the exaust valve not opening.
Any thoughts?

In a message dated 6/15/98 8:11:07 PM Hawaiian Standard Time, spitlist@gte.net

> David,
>  I assume that the air cleaner is on top of the carb then.  If you have
>  oil in the air cleaner, it must have been introduced from the engine
>  somewhere externally.  There are any number of possibilities, including
>  the timing cover seal, the dipstick tube and the valve cover gasket. 
>  Start by checking to see if you have any obvious signs of where a leak
>  (or blowout) has ocurred.  Other than that, I haven't a clue.  Again,
>  though you could be having a problem with excess blow-by that is
>  pressurizing the crank case.
>  Regards,
>  Joe

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