What's wrong with 1/2 to 3/4 sounds fine to me, as long as you have good
hoses that don't leak, and you have a good pressure cap you won't boil
over. Remember the Spitfire is not as sencetive to boiling over as
alloy engins. The 13 PSI cap will raise the boiling tempreature of
water to over 100 deg C, 110 I think. I prefer running my car as hot as
posible, and quite like the temperature gage to be 1/2 to 3/4 you know
everythings at working temperature then and your oil flow will be way
I have owned a car will an over cooling problem, it's not nice, the
temperature gage stayed at 1/4, once going as far as 4/6 normaly when I
wen't through puddels I had to put the choke on again because it cooled
so much.
You may want to get a thermomiter an stick that in the water, then
calibrate what your gadge is reading. Thoes gadges and thermosisters
are hardly known for the accuracy, why do you think they are
un-calibrated. You might find you are infact running the engin too
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot