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Re: Spit shift kit praise

To: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>
Subject: Re: Spit shift kit praise
From: "Kirk Crawford" <kirk.crawford@beachnet.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 20:14:16 -0800
>> How involved was this repair? I have quit a bit of slop also and would love
>> to get rid of it without rebuilding the whole tranny.
>Not to upstage Kirk, but I've done this many times on various Heralds,
>Spitfires and GT6s. Not counting whatever time it takes to strip out
>carpeting and such and get the tunnel cover off and back on, the whole
>procedure shouldn't take more than 45 minutes to one hour.

Since my plastic tunnel hasn't been screwed down in 5 years and the carpet
is not glued down either, and I still don't have the radio bracket thing in
for about 6 years, It was very quick. I concur with 45 min estimate.
Once you get the coverings of, it is four nuts to take the assembly to your
bench.  From there, the hardest thing was getting one of the clip rings
off.  I just dremelled it since I had a new one in the kit.

>All the replaceable bits are nylon bushes; they're probably good for
>anywhere from 35,000-50,000 miles before the job should be done again.

I concur.  Mine was probably the original.  It was from a '74 tranny so I
don't know the miles (I have a 68 spit).  The spit itself is at 66k miles.

On mine the black donut bush closest to the tranny top was completely worn

-Kirk Crawford
http://www.beachnet.com/~crawford/ (updated 3/4/98)

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