Stay away from allthread rod. Most allthread rod is made to a very low
standard and won't be up to moving 1000 lbs for long. Without more info,
I cannot give you many more ideas, but have you looked at ball screws?
They are designed from the get-go to haul heavy loads along the shaft
axis and can be had for next to nothing you know where to look.
Mike Rambour wrote:
> What I need to figure out is how to make a 90degree turn and turn a
> shaft with some gears. I have a 1/2" shaft coming out of a I-beam that
> goes into a frame about 4 inches, it needs to turn a threaded rod that
> is at 90degrees to that shaft. I have browsed and searched the net for
> hours and hours, I have found some small gears that would do the job but
> they are pot metal and the threaded shaft is going to be supporting
> nearly a 1,000lbs, the shaft actually does not support the weight but it
> will move the weight on casters in a "lipped channel" so the small
> gears I found being pot metal probably would not work. It can even be
> geared to make it easier to move if that can be found.
> Next item on the list is the threaded shaft, I was going to use simple
> all-thread but I found references to ACME threads and that sure sounds
> like a Wiley Coyote disaster waiting to happen to me but they are
> supposed to be better, are they ?