Id be interested to see any Info ya have on these that ya can email or
whatever or links to sights concerning them I have two one complete one
missing OD shift solenoid (anybody have one layin around the shop) just met
a guy that said he sold one on and auction sight for $600 that was also
missing the solenoid . I plan on puting one in my 38 1/2 with slightly
sooped up 235 and may put the other in one of my panels or sedan delivery .
I found a floor shifter in one of my piles of junk that may work with one of
em the other i think im gonna use stock column shift setup the biggest
headache apears what to do for a clutch/brake pedal setup look like the
stock setup in a 57 PU may work but not for sure yet. want use a 3:73 Rear
out of 70 Chevy pu or somethin similar so i can use my stock wheels on the
381/2. What kinda Mileage can I expect out of a setup like this. as Pump
prices aproach $2 a gallon it gets to be a bigger concern everyday.
Thx Jay Baker (Jays Classic Truck Parts)
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Saginaw 3sp with overdrive
> The biggest issue is the one you mention; it doesn't work with closed
driveline and you
> would have to swap (54/55 1st series parts?).
> The best part of the deal is that it will convert your 3.90 final drive
ratio to 2.73
> for less stress on the engine at cruise and better mileage.
> These are not for high hp, but a stock or near stock engine should be fine
with the OD.
> A minor negative if you care about engine braking, is that the vehicle
will nearly free
> wheel with the OD engaged, and you'll have to downshift more than usual
to deal with
> hills.
> A minor plus is, per the orignal literature that I have, is that it's
easier to drive in
> stop and go traffic...can't prove that one by me yet though.
> The original controls are a combination of mechanical, electrical, and a
governor, so
> it's pretty convoluted for what it does. The relays, switches, wiring
harness, etc that
> go with it are hard to come by if you want to do it totally as original.
There are also
> mechanical only (solenoid is jumpered for this one) and more modern
control approaches
> that can also be done. I collected parts off of an auction site for my
brother to do a
> stock installation on his 57 farm truck with a 235 six. For my Suburban
setup, I intend
> to use the more modern switching approach whereby I'll get something like
a 6 speed out
> of my 3...I say "something like" since I don't think all gears will be
useful that
> way...but it will be better than a 3 speed at least.
> I have collected a pretty extensive file of original literature (and per
> literature, the OD was available for the TF trucks, though the GMC also
had a high speed
> rear end that would negate the need for the OD anyway) and magazine
articles on stock
> and modified setups; let me know if you get it.
> Mark Noakes
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Ronald Smiley wrote:
> >
> > Group: There is a saginaw 3spd with over drive listed
> > on one of the auction sites. They are looking for a
> > opening bid of two hundred for it, less than a hundred
> > thousand miles. Obviously its not compatible with the
> > torque tube. I would appreciate any insight into
> > this. Is this a desirable addition to a 53 3100?
> >
> > Ron
> > 53 3100
> >
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> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959