Is the very top plate of the whole surrounding cover/ bracket removable? or
do I have to take all the bolts out to get to it? It seems that the very
top is screwed on and could maybe be removed, allowing access to the clutch
master without having to move the booster. Is this the case, or is it the
bolts which secure the cover to the car at the shelf which must come off?
Too bad Moss doesn't have a picture of it in the catalogue, or it would be
easier to describe. As it is, I dont' see how the cover comes out without
the booster moving, unless my setup is off somehow. Thanks for your help,
hopefully I can tow the car back to my house so I can really see it. 10
hours of looking at forklift parts doesnt' help, either.
Wish me luck, all.
Mike Jose,
79 B Phoenix