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Re: Distributor, Water Pump, Tach Circuit

Subject: Re: Distributor, Water Pump, Tach Circuit
From: James Nazarian Jr <>
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 23:15:52 -0600 (MDT)
In-reply-to: <l03130300b53e9087fd49@[]>
Reply-to: James Nazarian Jr <>
I have the smae problem with my 63 Buick 215.  The water pump pully is
just slightly behind the crank pully probably by 1/8" or less.  I am just
going to make a shim to put between the water pump pully and its mating

James Nazarian
'71 B roadster
'71 BGT rust free and burnt orange
'63 Buick 215 

> >Three Questions
> >
> >Trying to purchase the correct distributor for my 61 Buick 215.  The parts
> >store only list distributors for 62 Olds F-85 and Cutlass with 215 motors.
> >Are the distributors interchangeable?
> >
> >Also my water pump pulley sticks out (away from the engine) about one bets
> >width farther then the crank pulley.  Did I just get a bad water pump or is
> >my crank pulley wrong?
> >
> >Just read a correction in the V8 Newsletter on the tachometer potentiometer
> >connections to the 8 pin chip should be between 3 and 8.  I have also read
> >other places on the web to connect the potentiometer between pins 4 and 7
> >with comments from several V8ers that it worked.  Which is correct or will
> >they both work.  I don�t have the previous Newsletter.
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Jim Miller

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