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Re: Fwd: LBC (but not Spridget) help

To: Jarl or Carol <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: LBC (but not Spridget) help
From: Bullwinkle <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 00:51:45 -0700
<This was because Ford did not have chassis numbers until the mid
50s so <that ALL cars were titled by engine number insteda.

I helped restore a 1929 Ford Model A pickup.  It HAD a chassis
number which was the SAME as the engine number and I believe this
is true of all original Model A's.  The number was located on the
drivers side on the frame somewhere near the door post or
possibly UNDER the fender.  I don't believe it was visible unless
the body or fender was off.

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