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Re: Fwd: LBC (but not Spridget) help

Subject: Re: Fwd: LBC (but not Spridget) help
From: Jarl or Carol <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 10:57:06 -0700
I have always found that - if the engine is one originally installed - the
number is stamped into the square boss ABOVE the octagonal plate,  NOT
"under" or behind it. If the engine was a "new" replacement BLOCK (from BMC
parts) it was sold without a number and would only have a number if the
mechanic thought to stamp one in - which not many did when MGTs were "only"
cars... If, on the other hand, it was a COMPLETE new engine from the
factory, it WAS numbered

The TF also had the car (or "chassis") number stamped onto the outside of
the left frame horn. In both the TD and TF the number can be seen without
removing anything. Perhaps the confusion on "splash pan / radiator came from
the earlier tc and older cars where it is on TOP of the left front frame
rail and hidden by the front apron.

When buying a car, it is always a good idea to check ALL the number
locations against each other - even on Arnolts which carried the MG  Car Co
warranty plate in a hidden location in addition to the Arnolt plate.

Interestingly, in California (and many other states) T types were registered
by ENGINE NUMBER rather than by car. This was because Ford did not have
chassis numbers until the mid 50s so that ALL cars were titled by engine
number insteda. That made things a mite difficult since so many Ts had their
engine replaced. (that by the way, was NOT because they "blew" many engines
but because many dealers would rebuild several engines "ahead" so that they
could exchange them and get the cars out the door faster. If you were good
buddies with one of the mechanics, you COULD just drive out with a 1500

Ah, the good old days!

Dave and Liz DuBois wrote:

> To all
>     The bright side is that all TDs have the car number stamped into the
> dumb iron on the left hand side of the car.  The not so bright side is
> that NOT all engines have the number stamped into the boss where the
> brass tag is affixed.  Both of the later engines that I had have this
> feature, but numerous people have written to say that there is no number
> stamped into their engines.
> Dave

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