You are soooo right! I have watch numerous qualifiers unable to complete
the two-way record the following morning. I'm not sure that the sport
has benefited from the easier records, but like so many things these
days, the standards have been lowered.
This does not mean that records at the Salt are easy, (they're not) or
that those holding them should feel that their accomplishments are
diminished, but records are easier to set than the in the distant past.
Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/GCC
Nafzger wrote:
> Setting a record has always been defined as performing against a standard.
> The recognized standard in land speed racing has always been a two way
> average across the same relative piece of real estate. You cannot claim any
> record with a one way pass. Tail wind, down hill, etc. Why do we always want
> to make it easier to set records? My records were set when you had to make a
> qualifying run over the record and then the two way pass in opposite
> directions to get the record. I was not happy when they took the qualifying
> pass out of the equation and I think all the recent records that have been
> set with two passes in the same direction should have an asterisk beside
> them identifying that fact.
> I will accept the fact that I am old fashioned and that they name streets
> after me. They are called "one Way"
> I have even been called opinionated but what do those people know?
> Howard
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