> > 1. The SCTA currently is the oldest established authority here in
> America for LSR... we view the rules and procedures as Ways of catagorizing
> cars and classes for the Most Part.
> As such, SCTA can be considered the authority for NATIONAL, or
> AMERICAN land speed records.
*****Woundering why teams from all around the world come over for to compete for
our "National" or "American" records??? Why dont they go after the FIA records?
> After nine decades, the FIA is the WORLD record authority.
> What salient points, or convincing arguement could someone really make
> otherwise?
**** Just one argument, the SCTA
> Once again, NATIONAL records (Australian and American) SO, what rules do the
> Brits use to determine a national record?
**** The Brits can purchase a SCTA rule book from the SCTA website for $8
> Consider this . . .if you want to start passing out world records based solely
> on how fast someone goes at one particular course without regard for
> made and hurdles overcome by those people who abided by the FIA rules, then
> cheapen and diminish the accomplishment.
***** So in your book, lets say we have Racer1 ran his vehicle faster than an
FIA record in a particular class, his record is cheap and not an accomplishment.
You dont think that if he used a junk yard motor, and had the right tuner (Dave
Dahlegren) The only thing that would stand in the way of credibility is the
expensive entry fee for the FIA. Sorry I give it to the Racer1. Im not saying I
discredit the people who have FIA records, but not fair the you would "cheapen
and diminish the accomplishment." of a racer who ran faster than a FIA record.
> However, if another sanctioning body would care to take on then stewardship of
> determining world records, create classes, maintain impeccable records,
> including the assumption of the corresponding financial burden to ensure the
> integrity of such a responsibility, etc., then I guess we could dump the FIA.
***** I would vote the SCTA, seems their rules were good enough for other land
speed racers to employ them, like the DLRA. Seems their classes are very well
set. Enough room and class designations that anybody can go after a record.
> "Ah, but shouldn't our grasp exceed our reach, or what's a Heaven for?"
**** There is a heaven?
Jonathan Amo
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