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Re: [Healeys] BN1 brake system

To: <warthodson@aol.com>, <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] BN1 brake system
From: greylinn--- via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:40:22 +1000
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=E2=80=A6.if you have some resistance, jam the pedal down hard (I use a =
piece of wood between the pedal & the seat) and leave it as long as you =
can. Do this repeatedly & you will find the pedal will come up. =
I=E2=80=99ve done this many times on several BN1s. The problem is where =
the bleeders are situated on the front cylinders.




Peter Linn


BN1 V6


From: Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of =
warthodson--- via Healeys
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2022 10:27 AM
To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: [Healeys] BN1 brake system


We have been trying for several months to bleed the brakes on RHD BN1, =
to no avail. The car has been professionally restored & appears to be in =
excellent condition. Today, we tried again to bleed the system following =
the shop manual. I.E. backing off the adjusters on the front & back & =
bleeding & then readjusting the brakes. The results were the same. There =
seems to be an excessively large amount of pedal travel before the =
brakes are engaged & when engaged they feel "spongy". We have access to =
2 other 100's for reference. Any help would be greatly appreciated. =
Also, we are not clear on the adjustment of the free play of the master =

Gary Hodson  =20

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link=3D"#0563C1" vlink=3D"#954F72" style=3D'word-wrap:break-word'><div =
class=3DWordSection1><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'>=E2=80=A6.if you have <u>some</u> =
resistance, jam the pedal down hard (I use a piece of wood between the =
pedal &amp; the seat) and leave it as long as you can. Do this =
repeatedly &amp; you will find the pedal will come up. I=E2=80=99ve done =
this many times on several BN1s. The problem is where the bleeders are =
situated on the front cylinders.<o:p></o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'>Cheers<o:p></o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'>Peter =
Linn<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'>Brisbane<o:p></o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'>BN1 =
V6<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></p><div =
style=3D'border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0cm =
0cm 0cm'><p class=3DMsoNormal><b><span =
lang=3DEN-US>From:</span></b><span lang=3DEN-US> Healeys =
&lt;healeys-bounces@autox.team.net&gt; <b>On Behalf Of </b>warthodson--- =
via Healeys<br><b>Sent:</b> Wednesday, 31 August 2022 10:27 =
AM<br><b>To:</b> healeys@autox.team.net<br><b>Subject:</b> [Healeys] BN1 =
brake system<o:p></o:p></span></p></div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><div><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:black'>We =
have been trying for several months to bleed the brakes on RHD BN1, to =
no avail. The car has been professionally restored &amp; appears to be =
in excellent condition. Today, we tried again to bleed the system =
following the shop manual. I.E. backing off the adjusters on the front =
&amp; back &amp; bleeding &amp; then readjusting the brakes. The results =
were the same. There seems to be an excessively large amount of pedal =
travel before the brakes are engaged &amp; when engaged they feel =
&quot;spongy&quot;. We have access to 2 other 100's for reference. Any =
help would be greatly appreciated. Also, we are not clear on the =
adjustment of the free play of the master cylinder. =
<o:p></o:p></span></p><div><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:black'>Gary =
Hodson&nbsp; &nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></p></div></div></div></body></html>

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