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I think the hardest part would be grinding off the original #'s without lea=
ving any evidence of the grinding.Gary Hodson
-----Original Message-----
From: HealeyRick <healeyrik@gmail.com>
To: Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tue, Aug 16, 2022 9:37 am
Subject: [Healeys] Counterfeit Numbers
In watching various auctions of high-end Healeys, particularly Ms, I read o=
pinions that it would be very difficult to counterfeit all the identifying =
numbers on a Healey. My question for the better informed would it really be=
that difficult to get dies made up to punch realistic numbers, grind off t=
he old numbers on the trim pieces and body panels and make up some ID plate=
s?=C2=A0 If cars are worth over $150k, I would think it would be a relative=
ly small investment in tooling and with all the scanning equipment we have =
now, I can't see it being that difficult.
Don't worry, not asking for a friend.
Rick Neville_______________________________________________
Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archiv=
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<div style="color:black;font: 12pt Comic Sans MS, sans-serif;">I think the
hardest part would be grinding off the original #'s without leaving any
evidence of the grinding.
<div>Gary Hodson<br>
<div style="font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black"><font
size="2">-----Original Message-----<br>
From: HealeyRick <healeyrik@gmail.com><br>
To: Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net><br>
Sent: Tue, Aug 16, 2022 9:37 am<br>
Subject: [Healeys] Counterfeit Numbers<br>
<div id="yiv9523149576">
<div dir="ltr">In watching various auctions of high-end Healeys, particularly
Ms, I read opinions that it would be very difficult to counterfeit all the
identifying numbers on a Healey. My question for the better informed would it
really be that difficult to get dies made up to punch realistic numbers, grind
off the old numbers on the trim pieces and body panels and make up some ID
plates? If cars are worth over $150k, I would think it would be a
relatively small investment in tooling and with all the scanning equipment we
have now, I can't see it being that difficult.
<div>Don't worry, not asking for a friend.</div>
<div>Rick Neville</div>
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