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[Healeys] Aluminum Radiators available

Subject: [Healeys] Aluminum Radiators available
From: josef-eckert at t-online.de (josef-eckert at t-online.de)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 07:49:30 +0200 (MEST)
References: <db3bf616-5c90-04aa-3228-6caf1db5e177@cox.net> <f8a69a22-5310-89ac-5abe-f712006194c3@chello.nl>
I can only support what Kees says.

Josef Eckert

Betreff: Re: [Healeys] Aluminum Radiators available
Datum: 2017-07-20T01:21:28+0200
Von: "Oudesluys" <coudesluijs at chello.nl>
An: "healeys at autox.team.net" <healeys at autox.team.net>

Check your water pump on efficiency (cavitation), fit a proper SMITH or 
equivalent sleeved thermostat, have a more efficient core fitted to your 
existing radiator and fit an electric radiator fan.
An aluminium radiator is not better than a proper copper one.

Kees Oudesluijs

Op 19-7-2017 om 23:21 schreef John O'Brien:
> Looking for any experience with current offerings on ebay.
> I just got back a few days ago from the Conclave in Waco.  We had a 
> great time and met many nice folks.  On our way home to Nebraska 
> driving in 95 plus temps, my 65 BJ8 started running hotter and hotter 
> until we had to pull into a service station and let it cool down.  It 
> boiled over in the lot, so I had to replace some antifreeze solution 
> too.  It seemed like, once the gauge got over 212 the temp rocketed 
> well past the 230 upper limit on the gauge. I had a similar situation 
> last year driving to Wisconsin on a hot day.
> So... I'm thinking of replacing the radiator with an aluminum one.  I 
> put an aluminum rad. in my bugeye a few years back and never have a 
> heat problem.  I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the 
> aluminum radiators on ebay.  One is a Worley for $355.00 w/ free 
> shipping 
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aluminum-radiator-for-AUSTIN-HEALEY-3000-1959-1967-manual-/112368575956?fits=Make%3AAustin+Healey%7CModel%3A3000&epid=906260673&hash=item1a29b065d4:g:zbQAAOSw4CFY7nCD&vxp=mtr
> and the other is a GPI racing at $350.00 w/ free shipping 
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/aluminum-radiator-AUSTIN-HEALEY-3000-1959-1967-/252984917906?fits=Make%3AAustin+Healey%7CModel%3A3000&hash=item3ae7137f92:g:Ia4AAOSwnHZYfX0m&vxp=mtr
> Both made in China and look almost the same except the Worley fan 
> guard looks different.  The GPI looks more like the original Healey 
> rad.  I've also seen an American made one from Wizard Cooling for 
> $499.00, 
> https://wizardcooling.com/1959-1968-austin-healey-3000-aluminum-radiator/ 
> that looks very close to the GPI.  The Worley and GPI do not look like 
> they have the overflow tube on the side of the filler neck like the 
> Wizard.
> Any thoughts or experience with any of these would be appreciated.
> John O'Brien
> '65 BJ8 (Madelyn)
> '61 Bugeye (Lucy)
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