I had mentioned this earlier, Dry Ice Blasting is one of the "Hottest" new
processes to come along for this type of application. It is just like sand
blasting, or plastic media blasting, but utilizes crushed dry ice. The ice
evaporates almost as soon as it hits the atmosphere. Before it does it cleans
like a dream. It was originally designed for industrial applications, where
they may need to clean a machine while on the factory floor. No messy
sand/plastic clean up. I saw a demonstration of this and walked away with my
jaw hanging open, and my mind going a million miles an hour! Check your local
area for someone that may be doing this near you.
Good luck, and Merry Christmas!
Brent Porter
Central Indiana AHC
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: 57 Healey <57healey@gmail.com>
> What is the best (fastest) way to get very heavy grease off suspension
> the suspension and engine bay.
> --
> Patton Dickson - Richmond, TX
> '57 A-H 100-Six - http://Austin-Healeys.com