Pickling an engine.....should be done as soon as the motor is raised and washed
with fresh water....
Fill every space inside the engine with lubricating oil or diesel fuel (which
is easier to work with). Replace the drain plug and fill the crank case with
the oil. At the same time, pour oil into the carburetor (if it has one) or air
intake system until it flows out of each spark plug hole thereby displacing the
water. Now, with plugs or injectors removed, turn the engine over by hand using
a wrench or bar (or with a borrowed starter). Turn the engine over several
times to distribute the oil. Refill the cylinders and carburetor to
overflowing. Now you can wait for a mechanic, or if you have the mechanical
inclination to do the work yourself, then proceed with the next set of steps.
Change fluids and crank to get pressure.
clean out fuel lines and .......
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