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Re: battery problem on '69 1600 (I hope)

To: "datsun" <>
Subject: Re: battery problem on '69 1600 (I hope)
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 13:03:32 -0500 (CDT)
Yup, that's right. Years ago the Diehard in our car went south and
my wife took the car in to get the battery replaced (in warranty). She
called me at work saying that the alternator and regulator needed to be
replaced also. I asked to talk to the technician. He tells me that the
alternator is shot, it is making lots of noise. I ask him if it is
charging correctly and he says yes, but it is really noisy and should be
replaced. I then ask why if the alternator is working fine does he want to
replace the regulator. He tells me that when they replace an alternator
they ALWAYS replace the regulator also.

I told him that, since the only problem with the alternator was noisy
bearings that I would take care of them later. He says that they couldn't
give us a warranty on the new battery because of the defective alternator.
I told him to put my old battery back in and that I would not darken their
doorway again. That was about 10 years ago and I haven't been back.

My son worked for Sears doing battery replacement/testing about a year ago
and was told to do the same thing. Ypu'd think they would learn how to
treat a customer right!

 - Support Habitat for Humanity, A "hand up", not a "hand out" -

Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor/Future planner, CS Dept,
University of Texas, 1 University Station C0500,Austin, Tx. 78712-1188 USA
voice (512)471-9730, fax (512)471-8885,

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, datsun wrote:

> The old Sears sell you something you don't need syndrome....even in your part 
>of the world. Dean
> "Patrick J. Horne" <> wrote:Eric,
> There are a couple of things that could be causing the problem.
> The battery itself could be defective. Charging it up and then checking it
> would tell if hthat is the case or not.
> There could also be a current draw somewhere onthe car that is draining
> the battery. After you drive around to charge the battery, park it and
> disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery. Measure the
> battery voltage, then leave it alone until the next day then check the
> battery voltage again. It should be about the same as what you measured
> the day before. If it is, you have someting draining the battery.
> Check that out and let us know what you find.
> Oh, if Sears says you need anything other than a battery, go somewhere
> else and get a second opinion before you have them replace anything.
> Peace,
> Pat

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