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Re: S/Brake Switch ???

To: Chris Gray <>
Subject: Re: S/Brake Switch ???
From: Roadster <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 23:22:51 -0600
My wife asked me that question when we were dating back in '75.  I told
her that the "B" stood for Bendix, the people that made very
sophisticated electronic gear.  It was an automatic steering system that
tracked the lines painted on the road for hands off driving.  She was
skeptical so I "demonstrated" it.  The car had just been aligned and the
road was excellent.  Even the slight bank in a curve was perfect and the
car tracked right through it.  She fumed the rest of the way home
because she wasn't offered that option on her car.  After I got her home
I repeated the story to her father.  Seeing her dad roar with laughter
she finally figured out that she had been had.  Then again, I'm certain
who was actually 'had' in the deal.  I married her!

Best regards,

Fred Schroeder
'70 2000
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