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Subject: Polishing
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 11:28:02 -0800

As my car knocks on the door of NOROC, I am starting to look at some of the 
work ahead. Some of the work I am looking at is polishing that which may be 
polished. Valve cover, manifolds, carbs, you name it. I am not really 
interested in sitting at a work bench with a rag and hand polishing 
everything until my arm falls off. Looking for recommendations on what 
equipment I can get for a reasonable price. My neighbor says "just get a 
drill with a buffing attachment. Wheels look good, but some of the spaces I 
would need to get into look tight.

Any and all suggestions will be gratefully accpeted.


Andrew Murphy

P.S. Started going through my parts last night. I have quite a few goodies 
that I will be making available first to the list and then to eBay.  Two of 
the best items are a stock 2000 exhaust manifold and a complete 20000 SU set 
up with pristine manifold and linkage. Looks almost brand new. Much more to 
come. Let me know if you are interested.

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