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Re: Re[2]: '67 2000 #36 for sale (not mine)

Subject: Re: Re[2]: '67 2000 #36 for sale (not mine)
From: Roman Rist <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 23:09:04 -0800 (PST)
--- wrote:
> Run away from it!
> I've looked at some '67.5 2000's for sale in the past. Some of them
> were 
> pure junk at a relatively low cost. 
> Mind you, I'm talking only about '67.5 2000 roadsters. You want a
> rare car, shop
> around for some quality. Don't waste your time. The objective is to
> have a rare 
> car to be proud of. Why not be proud right away by buying a quality
> example.

Fred, I would tend to agree, however I am of 2 minds on this subject.

If I had the dough, I'd buy the "junk". 
We're not talking about a Geo Metro here or even a "Rare" early
Mustang. We are talking about a 67.5 2000 Roadster! 
 Being in the loop and seeing fine examples of our breed, or for that
matter owning one, we can become a bit snobby and forget that this
"Junk Car" is in fact a very rare vehicle.
 It deserves to be spared the fate of the parts car, or worse the
 Of course, having the money, it would be best to find the finest
starting point for a 67.5 200. Let's just keep in mind that a good
starting point can also be FINDING ONE! For someone this is a dream
come true...And they will bring the car back to glory.

Just my 2c


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