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Re: Major Armchair engineering A SuperCharged Roadster??

To: "Jim Tyler" <>,
Subject: Re: Major Armchair engineering A SuperCharged Roadster??
From: "Mike Kerr" <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 10:29:20 -0700
On my turbo U20 I run cast pistons and no "O" rings and pushes 17 lbs. boost
and I have had no problems with the pistons or the head gasket. But I do
make sure there is no detonation, but even forged pistons will melt under
the heat of detonation. in fact the melting point of a forged piston is not
that much greater than a cast piston it will take just a few seconds more
for it to melt...

Rpms puts more strain on a motor's internal parts than Boost ( a motor
turning 8000 rpms has more load on it's internal parts , than a motor turn
6000 rpms with 14lbs boost ) and  with boost you don't need to rev the motor
over 6000 to make HP gains above a normal aspirated motor turn 8000..
Running 14 lbs. boost on a U20 will give you well over 225 HP
a super charger though will suck up some of that HP to drive it , that is
why turbos are better they run off of wasted exhaust gas heat. 50% of the
heat energy created in a engine is pumped out the exhaust pipe.

Mike Kerr
Restoration Products
3730 todrob Ln.
Placerville, CA 95667
Ph# 530-644-6777
Fax# 530-644-6777
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Tyler <>
To: Roadster List <>
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Major Armchair engineering A SuperCharged Roadster??

>Mike Kerr wrote:
>> have to disagree on the "O": ringing for street use it is not nessasry or
>> desirable,  forgded pistons are not nessary either...  Both the "O"
>> and Forged pistions have advantages in a race where getting across the
>> finish line first is the objective..  But for street use  where Rpms will
>> kept low for engine longevity and low boost settings neither fordged
>> or "O" ringing are nessary
>In general I would agree that for typical street use o-ringing is not
>and forged pistons are not required.
>However, to make the kind of HP gains that would begin to justify the cost
>either a turbo efi or a supercharged, you will no longer be in a "typical"
>street application.
>I don't get the impression that Daniel wants to spend 2000.00 to add 20 hp
>at 4800 rpms.
>To make say 225, I would be surprised if the rpm's or boost really remain
>"low" for stock pistons.
>Victor can show you how well the 60's quality cast pistons hold up under
>But either way, I think Daniel and Mike should link up on this,  Daniel
>to spend  2K and Mike says the engine doesn't need modifications.  Perfect
>match.  Keep us posted.

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