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Re: Smog system removal on '69 2000

Subject: Re: Smog system removal on '69 2000
From: Mike Poorboy <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 21:23:51 -0700 wrote:

> In a message dated 07/07/1999 2:16:17 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Hello All..
>    I have a '69 2000 U-20 SU with an emissions system/smog pump that I want
>  to remove. Does anyone have a "must-do" list for doing this, or is it as
>  simple as pulling it off, and plugging the holes.  I think I'm hearing that
>  there is an associated distributor change that goes along with this.
>  Thanks in advance
>  Larry Meston
>   >>
> Larry,
> Don't throw anything away!  If you don't need them some day, someone else
> will.  Luckily most states no longer require the emissions parts to be there,
> or for there to be a tailpipe test, but there are probably some still out
> there that do.
> There is a "recurve" kit that changed the timing of the distributor, but you
> might also check to see if the bushings are worn in yours and if so, just
> replace the whole thing.  About $160 from the suppliers on the list.
> Joseph Berkenbile
> 70 1600
> Albuquerque
> P.S.  I REALLY envy all you guys and gals that are going to Shasta. As I will
> be moving to the opposite end of the country (Maine) in about a month, I
> don't know when I will get to go, especially with my car!  Have a great time,
> all of you, and post lots of pictures when you get back.

The people in California know how important the smog parts are.When I lived 

I had to buy an $800.00 parts car just to get my car smogged. All my smog parts
are safely tucked away in a box. Northern Idaho doesn't even know what smog is!
Share them with some one who needs them.Also where the smog pump went is a great
location to move your alternator, away from all the header heat.You have to do a
little rewiring.

2 69 2000's
Hayden Lake, Idaho

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