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RE: New guy...

To: "'andrew'" <>,
Subject: RE: New guy...
From: Joerger <>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 20:33:51 -0700
Hello, Andrew!

I have a friend nearby who enjoyed his Westfield Eleven so much, 
that he went out and bought a genuine 1956 Series 1 Lotus Eleven
LeMans single-seater.  He is a professional mechanic, and has done 
a really beautiful job on the restoration.  He's running a 1500cc 
"Bearcat" Climax (outboard motor conversion), and has 1100cc and 
750cc Coventry Climax engines sitting in the garage.  He's 
threatening to put the 750 in and go the the speed trials at 
Bonneville Salt Flats to try for some class records.  Might work!  
I'll have to go along and pit for him if he does...

Oh, he's still got the Westfield.  He's trying to figure out how 
to put a trailer hitch on it so he can tow the Lotus down to the 
historic races in Monterey.  I think he may be serious!

        - Mark Joerger
          Westfield Eleven

P.S. Whoever cross-posted my carb problem to the Mini list --
     thanks!  I got several good suggestions.

From:   andrew[]
Sent:   Wednesday, October 14, 1998 11:51 PM
To:     chapman era
Subject:        Re: New guy...

Hi Mark

For a moment when your web site came up I thought I was looking at my car
then the stripes down the bonnet gave it away.  My Eleven is exactly the
same colour with red "upholstery" :>( if you could call about 1/4" of foam
under vinyl a seat as I have the same problem with height )  The screen is
the  same shape .  Some time I will convert it into a Le Mans screen when I
can work out a way to clear the roll bar. It is a replica running a
Coventry Climax 750 and Mk1 type chassis. Looks like this is becoming an
Eleven list and not Elise!!!!!!!  (Sorry Ray should say Eleven and Elan.)

I run this list at home and the Lotus list at work mainly because I go in
early to miss the traffic and spend nearly 1/2hr with a tea reading the
gossip before everyone else starts.

I am sure we could get this to be the real technical list by ignoring some
of the idiots that sometimes get on the lists.

See you around 

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