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New guy...

To: "''" <chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: New guy...
From: Joerger <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:43:01 -0700

I ran away from some other lists that had way too much chatter, but this =
is getting too quiet for me. =20

I'm a long-time early lotus fan with the serious handicap of being over =
6 feet tall.  This places me firmly into Chunky's "mutant" category.  =
About three years ago, I decided to confront my handicap, and built a =
Westfield Eleven (which does, more-or-less, accomodate my proportions).

Two years ago, it was driveable -- with some "quirks", like sudden =
massive oversteer.  I've since tamed the handling, but keep searching =
for the perfect carb jetting (anyone here a Dellorto genius?).

Some photos and Westfield history are up at:

Who else is out there??

        - Mark Joerger
          Salem, Oregon

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