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Re[2]: DeTomaso, Miata, Kia Faux-lan

Subject: Re[2]: DeTomaso, Miata, Kia Faux-lan
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 98 06:48:33 PST8

(other) oldfart Dick wrote:

>>>cars: tube framing and all sorts of modification. 

>>This is too good!  And SCCA let them run???????
 >Hey, this is SCCA's idea. There are no production cars in GT class anymore.
>all tube frame funny cars. You have to go back to E Prod etc to find anything 
>that resembles the sports car as we know it.

Oh I know that SCCA has evolved from prodified to built-from-scratch "GT".  I 
was just wondering how far they go wrt allowing a change of driven wheels.  Of 
course NASCAR does it and SCCA's Trans-Am series does it so maybe it's not so 
odd.  I just didn't realize they allow it in club racing.

Wow.  I'd like to take a few laps in one of those rwd Minis! 
 >Regarding the Vallelunga, stop by the Miata corral at turn 5 at the Historics,
>and Matano's car will probably be there.

Thanks, I'll remember to do that.



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