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Re[2]: DeTomaso, Miata, Kia Faux-lan

To: erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM, "Patrick O'Sullivan" <>
Subject: Re[2]: DeTomaso, Miata, Kia Faux-lan
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 98 07:37:17 PST8
>>My wife (a delighted Miata owner for 8 years now) drove the new Miata last 
>>night.  I haven't seen her this excited about a car since she bought hers 
>Tell us some more Rod.  How does the new model compare?  I heard that it is 
>lighter...  good show, Mazda!
>I too would like to know more about this new Miata.  My wife is 
>emotionally attached to hers.  I moved it to our place in Florida to make 
>room for the Elan.  She was not amused, but then it's been cold and rainy 
>all winter. Come spring there will be renewed pressure for a top down 
>daily driver.
>We stopped by the dealer to look at a new one the other day and she is also 
>quite excited about it.  We didn't drive it.
Hi Patrick and Erik,

She said that she got the impression of a long hood in comparison to hers.  For 
this reason, it seemed to be a bigger car.  She said the handling felt great but
not superior.  But then, hers has been suspensionally modified.  Generally, she 
really likes the new one but also really likes hers.  She says she'll keep her 
"Series 1", as she calls it for another couple of years and then get a new 

I'll have to get over there and take a drive myself.  I'll report then (not that
I know when that will be).


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