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Re: Tips for a first restoration

Subject: Re: Tips for a first restoration
From: Bill Lattimer <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 21:35:35 -0600 (CST)
> If anyone has any general tips for me about procedure or parts availibility I
> would greatly appreciate that..I'm just sort of feeling my way around in the
> dark...
I'm hardly an expert here, but one thing I learned is take on manageable 
chunks of work.  When I started on my 'B, so much was broken that I just 
started tearing in - and found that it was going to cost $1600 just to 
get it back on the road.  Go thru the car and prioritize, with saftey 
items (of course) always at the top of the list.  Get a list of parts you 
think you'll need, and shop around.  Once you have all the parts, dive in 
and get dirty!

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