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Re: 80 MGB

Subject: Re: 80 MGB
From: (Allen Bachelder)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 12:16:41 -0500
>     I recently rebuilt my engine...

       I still get a little
>     leaking (can see water stains on side of engine). Any suggestions? I
>     have used three different torque wrenches three head gaskets... I feel
>     like the problem is most likely the rough surface on the head done by
>     the machine shop. Did I get screwed on the resurfacing?
>     Chris

Chris -
Something else just came to mind after reading Marc Sayer's post.  If/when
you remove the head again, also chamfer (spell?) the threaded holes for the
studs in the deck just a little.  Repeated torquing of head studs causes
them to pull the deck up in a little "mound" around the hole (really!)
which will keep the head gasket from seating on the block.  BUT - either
have it done by somebody who is experienced in this or get some good
instructions  on how to do this because metal filings from the chamfering
process are not friendly to cylinder bores should they get in. I've only
had this done to a stripped block while the engine is apart.  It can be
done (with care!) with the engine in the car - and I have read instructions
on how to keep the metal filings away from where they ought not to be - but
I can't remember enough to reliably advise you.  I hope another SOLer can.

' Hope this isn't necessary!


Allen H. Bachelder, Associate Professor of Trumpet
Department of Music, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0240
E-mail:, Phone: 703-231-6713,  Fax 703-231-5034

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