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Re: Wheel covers, headlamps and machine screws

To: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>,
Subject: Re: Wheel covers, headlamps and machine screws
From: "Doug Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 12:09:40 -0500
On Jan 10,  9:17am, dan parslow wrote:
> Subject: Wheel covers, headlamps and machine screws
> Three bandwidth-conserving questions:
> 1.  Any early GT6 Mk I/II owners interested in selling their
>     original "rostyle" wheel covers?  They're really ugly and
>     so of course I love them.  I assume there are folks out
>     there who've replaced their wheels and don't need these.
>     Willing to pay a fair price for a decent set.
> 2.  Can headlamps bought in the UK be used in the US, or do they
>     have a built-in leftward orientation?

Ooh,ooh, I know the answer to this one. No, UK headlamps cannot be used in
the US, the lenses have prisms built in to cause the dip to be to the left.
Before anyone says it, OK, they can be used but you are going to get flashed

> 3.  Anyone familiar with the peculiar machine screws used in
>     some '60s britcars?  Designed to be used in speed nuts they
>     have a square section thread.  Is there anywhere on earth
>     one can buy these today?

I don't know where you would buy them, but some of the screws used today
are triangular. The reason for this is that they are alledgedly tighter
without having to use Loctite. ie, vibration free

> Any help with these questions greatly appreciated.
> Dan Parslow,
>-- End of excerpt from dan parslow

Doug Mitchell

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