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Wheel covers, headlamps and machine screws

Subject: Wheel covers, headlamps and machine screws
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 9:17:12 -0700 (MST)
Three bandwidth-conserving questions:

1.  Any early GT6 Mk I/II owners interested in selling their
    original "rostyle" wheel covers?  They're really ugly and
    so of course I love them.  I assume there are folks out
    there who've replaced their wheels and don't need these.
    Willing to pay a fair price for a decent set.

2.  Can headlamps bought in the UK be used in the US, or do they
    have a built-in leftward orientation?

3.  Anyone familiar with the peculiar machine screws used in 
    some '60s britcars?  Designed to be used in speed nuts they
    have a square section thread.  Is there anywhere on earth
    one can buy these today?

Any help with these questions greatly appreciated.
Dan Parslow,

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