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Re: Jim Bob's Winter Storage Tips (pt. 1)

To: harrold@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU (Dick Harrold) (Dick Harrold)
Subject: Re: Jim Bob's Winter Storage Tips (pt. 1)
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 8:47:55 PDT
> Jim  -  Have an old clunk (1927 brand X) out in the barn that likes to
> collect water in the fuel tank during cold storage.  Solved this by
> draining all fuel in the fall and then leaving off the filler cap.  Put a
> cloth over the opening to keep out dirt and the creepy crawlers.  (Without
> the cloth the first year, I had a family of spiders move in!)  In spring,
> the tank is ready to receive petrol again and without moisture.  It works
> for me.  Just a thought.  
> Dick

What about between the tank and the carb?  Do you drain this off too?


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