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A fly in the ointment??

Subject: A fly in the ointment??
From: (Gregory Petrolati)
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 08:09:06 CDT
        S.O.L. Brothers (and sister Dot),

        I guess every silver lining has a dark cloud... I finally
        got a chance to look very critcally at the piston and rod
        set I bought last month. On the whole the rods are about
        as perfect as they can be. However I nothiced several small
        gouges on one piston. These gouges are located on the side
        of the piston barrel above the first ring (I'll attempt to

                       I  III               I
                ring- ========================
                       I                    I
                       I                    I
                       I                    I

        I don't have a wealth of experience with engine mechanics
        but I don't think that these gouges will effect the overall
        performance of the piston since they are above the first ring.
        Thes gouges seem superficial...  

        So, guys n' gals what's your take on this? These pistons are 
        like new... I mean right out of the box. Do I look for a re-
        placement? Or am I worrying for nothing. They were only in a
        race car for 20 mins. BTW these are the 5 ring pistons that
        Ken at British Frame and Engine says some people have had some
        trouble with. H-m-m-m...

                                                Greg Petrolati

        "It's not a leak.... It's a british flow-through lubrication

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