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Re: New Disease

Subject: Re: New Disease
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 94 10:43:34 EDT
George Haynes writes:

>The new disease you describe has already been identified to TeriAnn Wakeman 
>as "Restorer's Malaise".  

Drat! and double drat!  I thought I really had a new one here.  On the other 
hand, I guess that I should be happy that others suffer from the same 
affliction.  Misery does love company, after all.

> Additional symptoms are the 
>feeling that you're not skilled enough to do the rest of the work required 
or fear 
>that something bad  will happen, like a nasty scratch in the paint while 
>the rear bumper.  

How did you know I scratched the rear fender (just under the tail light) 
putting the rear bumper on?  That one made me cry.  On the other hand, I was 
working on the car last night: glueing carpet on the rear wheel humps (now 
*that's* fun!), and it didn't even occur to me what might happen if this 
open can of adhesive were to spill, say, on the trunk lid or something.  To 
think of it now sends chills down me spine!

>BTW, how *IS* the TR3 progressing, TeriAnn?

Now, that sounds like a low blow!


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