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Re: New Disease

Subject: Re: New Disease
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 11:37:33 EDT
With all of these diseases described here on the list I am beginning
to wonder if what I thought was a disease may actually be an
innoculation of sorts.  What I am talking about and what I have might
be called Restorative Procrastination.  Its symptoms include buying
parts for a restoration, asking all sorts of how-to questions about
restoration subjects such as rust repair or painting, but never
actually beginning anything resembling a restoration because you keep
putting off taking your car off the road.  I believe this disease is
partially caused by Shipwrightaphobia (fear of catching Shipwright's
Disease) and partially caused by not wanting to have a nice sunny day
come and go while your roadster is on blocks.  Sufferers of this
disease tend toward quick fixes to keep the car on the road, which end
up needing to be redone at a later date at greater effort and expense.
This is also known as Previous Owner Syndrome.  But, those of us who
have Restorative Procrastination usually get to have the satisfaction
of driving our cars despite their beater appearances.

   Sufferers of Shipwrights may be jealous of those with Restorative
Procrastination when a great day for lbc cruising comes and goes and
their car is on blocks getting a nob polished (which required
disassembly and restoration of all parts except 3).  But they get
their revenge when the project is done and the Restorative
Procrastination sufferer laments that fact that his or her car suffers
in comparison to that of the Shipwright sufferer.  

   I believe the only way around this problem is to own many cars,
some which the owner continually procrastinates any sort of
restoration work, some which would make Shipwrights proud, and some
which lanquish in Restorer's Malaise.

Bob "Still have a compressor, paint gun and paint sitting on the
shelf, but the car is running & the top is down and it's 65 and sunny
today" Jones

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