Fellow fiends:
I would suggest an additional symptom to "Restorer's Malaise," though
perhaps a reletively mild one:
The restoration never actually is completed. A clear majority of my local
lbc pals who have done restorations actually never completed them. That is,
there were always a few things that they *intended* to do that they never
actually did. Mostly minor things, not crucial to performance or safety
perhaps, but none the less, there they were. For my case: I never really
properly installed the carpeting on a '60 MGA I did about five years ago. I
never repaired the windshield wiper motor. I fully intended to do those
things and never actually did. Now the car is gone.
I would further suspect that even if you don't suffer from full blown
restorer's malaise that you *do* suffer from this particular symptom. Show
me a fully restored and completed project and I'll show you...
never mind.
Will "Dr. Detroit" Zehring