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Re: Day Before The Britcars Day Approaches

Subject: Re: Day Before The Britcars Day Approaches
From: Mike A Gendimenico <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 08:40:10 PST
Text item: 

/Hello all!  Just a reminder that the third annual (can be be
/that many years already?) Day Before The Britcars Day (DBTBD)
/Tour is underway!  As in previous years, this is scheduled for

/We may also consider a side trip to the Donald Healey Memorial Grove in 
/Big Basin off Highway 9 late in the day, just to vary the route and the 
/itinerary somewhat from

Hopefully, I'll finally make it this year, barring any disastrous 
breakdowns between now and then.  For now the GT6 has been running 
well.:-)  I'd reccomend the hwy 236 loop through Big Basin, it's a 
beautiful ride and it's great for LBCs.  The parking can be a bit tight 
at Big Basin though.  What route are you taking from Davenport?  Bonny 
Doon rd->Empire Grade->Jamison Creek will dump you right out on 236 and 
you'll bypass all of the Santa Cruz/Hwy 9 traffic.  Another nice route 
is through UCSC via Empire grade.  The only disadvantage of taking the 
236 loop is you'll bypass the White Cockade pub!


What            The third annual Day Before The Britcars Day
                mountain road tour: a chance to see what your
                British sports cars were built to do, on some
                of the world's best roads on which to do it.

Who             Anyone with a British car, even if you can't
                bring it.  (I *will* have mine this year!)  This
                means list members, significant others, your kids,
                your mechanics, friends and club members, etc.

How Much        Free, of course, except for what you feel like
                spending for lunch and about 100 miles worth of

When            Saturday, September 10
                9:30 AM

Whence          The Elks Club Parking Lot
                El Camino Real near Arastradero
                Palo Alto, California

Whither         Up King's Mountain road to Skyline,
                down Tunitas Creek road to the coast,
                with stops planned at:

                  - San Gregorio General Store
                    (refreshments, restrooms, and
                    water for vehicles available)

                  - Pescadero, specifically Norm's
                    Market ("The Hot Bread Store"),
                    an excellent place to stop for
                    picnic supplies

                  - Bonny Doon winery again, after our
                    lovely time spent there last year

Weather         Variable; I sometimes refer to this as my
                "microclimate tour," because you'll go from
                hot to cold to damp to dry to windy to
                still within the space of minutes.

Alternatives    We may also stop in Davenport, a charming
                little (accent on LITTLE) artist's colony
                just north of Bonny Doon.  There's a fine
                restaurant and a lovely bed-and-breakfast
                at that location; write or call me if you
                have strong opinions.  (No, we won't be
                staying over, not this year... that might
                be a fun event for next spring, however,
                if there's interest in arranging an overnight
                stay somewhere along the coast.  A fun low-cost
                option might be the hostel at the Pigeon Point
                lighthouse; if this appeals, let me know.)

                years past.  I'm thinking that an early
                lunch in Davenport and a trip to Big Basin
                on the way home might be a nice variation for
                this year's tour.  Recommendations, suggestions,
                and heckling from the locals will be gratefully

Distance        About 100 miles; bring sufficient gas, oil,
                and water for such a journey, and make sure
                you have a new battery (hi Miq! :-)

Details         For more information, reply to me at either
                of my two email addresses:


                Or call me at the following numbers:

                Home (408) 736-3124
                Work (415) 462-5841

                Remember, I'm still off the list (I'm back to
                waking up at 5 AM, writing for two hours, coming
                to work for eight hours, heading home for dinner
                with the family, and then another three hours of
                writing when the girls go to bed at 9 PM), so
                reply to me individually or be sure to CC me on
                related topics.

--Scott "Remember the self-watering redwood trees last year?" Fisher

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