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Re: chattering noise in TR4

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Re: chattering noise in TR4
From: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 18:30:49 MST
Pat Vilbrandt writes:
 > Adrian Jefferies <> writes:
 > > The chattering noise in question is my teeth! Its been cold here in the
 > > UK for a while now (though the cold snap has eased off today), and the
 > > net result is that the heater in my TR4 is getting overwhelmed causing
 > > it to pump out cold air.

 > If the inlet pipe is truely cold, then it sounds like you either got a bad
 > thermostat or the wrong thermostat.  You need the proper "sleeved"
 > thermostat to direct hot water from the top of the engine to the heater.

Ya...  However, once you get some heat in those pipes, you want to
keep the heat there!  It's gotten a bit chilly here in boulder a few
nights, and I can say that the heater has put out enough heat, but I
wouldn't have complained if it put out a bit more!  Anyway, there are
insulated heater hoses you can buy which claim to put 20% more heat to
the heater core.  They are red in color rather than black, which is
why I used the black ones, but if I keep running this thing round the
year, I might have to wimp out and put the red hoses in there.

To the ST Louis Solers, thanks for the best airport layover I've ever
had.  Bruce came by with his beautiful '69 MGB, and I saw Larry
Snyder's GT6 with the nice red paint which made me green with envy.
It looks like John Lye and I are not supposed to meet as this is the
second time we've missed each other by just hair...  Face it john,
you'll just have to come visit boulder! :-) Mark, get better, and get
that landrover roving!  Anyway, thanks for the great time fellow



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