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Re: De-ruster question and small parts paint removal

Subject: Re: De-ruster question and small parts paint removal
From: Tom Monson <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 92 08:54:52 pst
I'm about to replace the clutch in my '70 Spitfire MKIII.  A few years back
when I rebuilt the engine, I replaced cover, disk, release and pilot bearings.
The cover has now failed (cracked diaphragm spring).  I think it was from
Victoria British, and was wondering if anyone can recommend a more robust
replacement.  This is probably a freak, as I personally have not seen this
failure mode in a dozen or so clutch jobs.  Thanks,
                                                     Tom Monson 
                                                      70 Spitwad MK III
                                                     75 Norton MK III

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