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Leaking tranny drain plug

Subject: Leaking tranny drain plug
From: ian@Centric.COM (Ian Macky)
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 92 12:37:52 PST
I replaced the old tranny drain plug on my 6 with a brand new one, but
the fit didn't seem very good.  The new plug only threaded with about
half the threads, the rest of the plug was poking out kinda far.

Unfortunately, now it has a slow, seeping sort of leak.  Parked in the
garage, not running, still it's drip drip drip.  The PO had it sealed (and
everything else on the car too) with blue rubbery goo but I don't like
the stuff at all.  They couldn't even be bothered to replace a rubber
grommet, just squirted blue goo around the cables instead....   (!&*@!
mutter mutter losers !*&#! incompetent lazy !*&$#%& PO piss moan bitch)

My thinking is:
    1)  Can I clean up/reform the plug threads with the proper pipe-thread
        die, such that it threads in deeper and fits better?  This is
        assuming it's the plug that's the problem, not the case.
    2)  What about teflon tape?  Is that kosher for this application?
    3)  Aren't there liquid versions of thread sealers?  Recommendations?

I need to get this leak resolved before I install the new tranny cover.  What
do the rest of you do?  Does anyone know what the threads are on that plug?
I'm guessing they're pipe....

I didn't seal the oil pan gasket and now it's leaking too.  Oh well.  I've
resolved my own uncertainties about sealing paper gaskets now...    DO IT!!


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