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RE: De-ruster question and small parts paint removal

To: akgua!att!LMSBVX.TAMU.EDU! (Lee M. Daniels, Texas A&M),
Subject: RE: De-ruster question and small parts paint removal
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 92 08:27 EST
     Lee,   I've been wanting to talk with a chemist.....Last 
summer some guy came through our neighborhood seeling a super
cleaner.  It smelled like oranges and cleaned everything!! To
show that it wouldn't hurt anything, he even sprayed this in
his mouth!!  Recently I bought some "Orange Goop".  Putting
this in your hand is like cutting open an orange.  It is a 
hand cleaner and really works well.  What is this stuff?!
(I think someone at Texas A&M is the one that has found an
extract from orange peel kills fire ants!!)  I have a lot more
respect for oranges..!!
Don Mathis

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