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Re: LBCs as daily transport

Subject: Re: LBCs as daily transport
From: "Chris Kent Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1992 10:28:26 PST
I haven't owned anything but an LBC for three years now; right now, I
own two (Sarah, my trusty TR-4A, who is *still* at Branden's for
various body work stuff, and my GT6+, sometimes called Strider, who was
bought to be an autocross car but has soldiered on in daily driver duty
while Sarah's been away). Even though I own two, I've only had regular
use of the GT6 for the past two years. There's an ever growing list of
things that I've promised him I will fix "real soon now", and that
seems to be enough to appease him. He pitches a fit every once in a
while, but we always make it home, even on long road trips (like the
one to Santa Fe last winter).

Sarah should be home soon, at which point Strider will go up on jack
stands and have lots of attention lavished upon him. For now, though,
I'm going to have to fix the heater and set the valves and let the rest go.

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