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RE: LBCs as daily transport

Subject: RE: LBCs as daily transport
From: Greg Tobin dtn 224-1648 aka LKARCK::GREG <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 92 10:31:02 PST

    >One thing's for sure, the bug sure get worked

  I'll say.   I *had* to drive my spitfire for about 9 months after my
 'reliable' transportation caught fire.  This was from October onward in
 Boston.  about 110 miles round trip.   Once it ate the distributor cap,
 but the ever-present spare in the trunk took care of that. (^;
 It never failed though, always purred along.  The snow was a problem as the
 car is so low, and those missing windows in the top made for a bit
 of a draft...

   One thing though, it needed it's weekend checkout though.  Take it to
 the car-wash, top off all the dribbling fluids,  tighten things, the
 usual stuff that is done normally for fun was a saturday 1/2 hour chore.

   I'd do it again in a minute though.  (And may have to- the same car caught
 fire again a few weeks ago...think it's time for a new one.)


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