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Re: Fix an old Temperature Gauge?

Subject: Re: Fix an old Temperature Gauge?
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1992 11:46:36 CST
(It seems that my previous followup got lost in the ozone, so...)

My thanks to all who responded on this, and the replies are still coming in.
I think I will probably splurge for a new set of gauges with some reasonably
contemporary (to 1970 or thereabouts) standard markings anyway.

This set was an absolute no-name brand that I bought from J.C. Penney (!)
back in the '70's when they actually had an automotive department. It doesn't
even have a brand name on the gauges, just some sort of triangular logo. The
set was originally installed _in-dash_ on a non-A/C '69 Pontiac; the blank
padded area of the dash where the center A/C vent would go was perfect for
them once three round holes were sliced in the vinyl-covered foam. At that
point the original mounting plate was lost in the basement, so when the gauges
came out of that car and went into the present one, I had to press-fit them
into another underdash mounting plate from which they will never emerge with-
out benefit of a grinding cutoff wheel.

All things considered, now that the temperature gauge is dead, I'm going to
get a new electrical set in a nice "sensible" design and do away with all the 
capillary tubes strung through the dash. I'll save the functioning ammeter and
oil pressure gauges for some other car. Sorry for all this non-LBC blather,
but I appreciate the information you all sent and your explaining that yes,
the broken gauge would not be a simple repair, even though it could be done
if the item in question was a valuable, original-equipment piece.

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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