A couple of people posted asking for the shop in GA, that makes carpets,
I am appending an old message, I think this is the place y'all want.
>From tdm@akguc.att.com Wed Apr 22 02:51:41 1992
Flags: 000000000001
Received: from att.att.com (att-out.att.com) by hoosier.utah.edu
id AA16597; Wed, 22 Apr 92 06:35:31 -0600
Message-Id: <9204221235.AA16597@hoosier.utah.edu>
From: tdm@akguc.att.com
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 92 08:32 EDT
Original-From: akguc!tdm (Terry Mathis +1 404 447 3982)
To: "Eric Olson"
Subject: Re: Reupholstery -- Spitfire seat foams
I went over to Atlanta Imported Car Parts (404-451-4411) last week
to get some MG parts and the place was filled with foam seats and
backs. I asked the guy if they had just received these and he said
that they have them manufactured for Moss and Victoria British.
They were just pieces of foam cut and glued together to produce the
right shape.
I have heard that an electric carving knife with the reciprocating
blades are great for cutting foam. You might try visiting a fabric
store (Hancock's Fabric, a chain in the south) and asking them which
foam to use.
Good luck-
Don Mathis
Bell Labs