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Re: British Wrench Sizes

Subject: Re: British Wrench Sizes
From: ian@Centric.COM (Ian Macky)
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 92 21:58:12 PST
People who have useful information should share with the whole list!
Thanks George...     and yeah, that's about the most useful chart for
LBC work I've ever seen.  I think I'll make a nice Frame version and
print it out and laminate one for the GAHrage... writes:

>One of the British wrench sizes (I can't remember which at the moment - maybe
>both) refers to the BOLT DIAMETER, rather than the nut size across flats.
>Therefore, a BSW 1/2 has a .500" major bolt diameter and a .920" wrench size
>(and maybe a BSF 9/16 has a .562" major bolt diameter with a .920" wrench

>Regardless, it's just one more eccentricity associated with our lbc's.  BTW,
>many of the wrench sizes associated with hydraulics on my MGA are
>still British Standard (Whitworth).  Apparently it took longer to convert
>Girling and Dunlop than the main MG assembly plant!


The "Special application" section of the BTC catl says "SU Carbs usually
need a 1/4 and a 3/8 Whitworth socket", and "MGA Drum brake Slave Cylinder 
MUST USE a 1/8 Whitworth socket to remove and install".



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