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Re: Spitfire 1500 Transmission ...

Subject: Re: Spitfire 1500 Transmission ...
From: (Brian Totty)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 12:54:22 CDT
> Date: Sun, 27 Sep 92 10:54:46 CDT
> From: (Mike Burdick)
> Subject: Spitfire 1500 Transmission ...
> I have used a "hard" drift to do this.  If you are going to replace the
> bearing anyway (you might as well since it's out) it won't matter if you
> mar it.  Be careful not to drift into the case though.  Say Al, do you think
> that's why they call it a "drift"?

        That's what I ended up doing anyway.  Unfortunately, my poor
        gearbox contains a bunch of scrap metal :-(  The laygear is
        completely trashed in the reverse mesh.  I'm going to buy a used
        gearbox for now, and try to rebuild my gearbox when I find a source
        for inexpensive new & used gears.  I can't afford to pay TRF $400
        for the laygear alone!

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