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Spit Gearbox

Subject: Spit Gearbox
From: (Doug Braun ~)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 10:48:48 -0700

I have rebuilt 1 and 1/2 Spit gearboxes, and an overdrive.
The input shaft should come out fairly easily.  The last one I did
would slide out with only a couple of pounds of pull.

Trickier is getting the main shaft out.  What has worked for me
is to remove the real main bearing first, sliding it to the rear
off the mainsahft, first removing the circlip that holds it
and the speedo drive gear.  Then you can simply slide the main shaft
ou tof the case.

Normally you don't have to replace the actual gears, unless
something was seriously trashed.  In that case, perhaps you should look
for good used parts.  Also, on one of my boxes, the 1/2 synchro hub
assembly was very worn out and had to be replaced.  British Parts
in Dayton Oregon had a very good proce on this part (~ $60).  Call
them to ask about any parts you might need.

Good Luck,

 Doug Braun                         Intel Design Technology
                                    408 765-4279

 or maybe:

  / decwrl \
  | hplabs |
 -| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev6!dbraun
  | amd    |
  \ qantel /

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