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Re: Gas and LBCs

Subject: Re: Gas and LBCs
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1992 14:23:06 CDT
Bruce... ( writes:
> The only difference was that I had a suspision that it might be the petro 
> from last week, so I try a new gas station and another pump.
> My question is has anybody experienced this before?


> Is it worth going and complaining to the station owner/manager?

If it's a major brand and it looks like a reputable place, yes. However, you
may be met by a blank stare. Needless to say, this will be the first they've
heard about a problem; no one else has complained.  ;-)

> Or any other thoughts or comments?

If the tanker had just stopped by to refill the underground tanks before your
visit, it might have stirred up sediment/water/whatever that would be pumped
into your car. Last time I heard of this, however, the street was littered
with stalled cars, and the owner was frantically waving people away from the
affected pumps. My friend's car was towed to the dealer for a fuel system
cleaning paid for by the oil company.

If you think something distinctly shady is going on, you might want to call
the Better Business Bureau, which can refer you to the state inspection guys.
They will stop by the station and take samples for testing. An acquaintance
of mine who runs a gas station says that they (the gas stations) are closely
monitored, however; it seems unlikely that you had purposely "bad" gas.

-- Andy

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