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Re: electric spitfire

Subject: Re: electric spitfire
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 92 14:39:21 PDT
A fellow here at Microsoft (hence on the net) has an electric Midget that he
drives to work everyday.  I could dig up his email address if anyone is

| I believe the weight was somewhat greater than a normal TR-7,

No lie.  We had a "transportation fair" here a few weeks ago and I talked
to the fellow who converted the Midget.  He estimated that it added about
1,000 pounds to the car.  They pull the engine and gas tank, but keep the

| but he claimed a top speed of 70mph, and a range of 200 miles.

That should be "or".  Going over 30-35 cuts range drastically.

The biggest cost with eletric cars is that the batteries wear out and must
be replaced every 20-25K miles.  The guy I talked to bragged that the first
set of batteries in his own car (an electric Manta, if you can imagine
such a thing) lasted 7 years.  It took some prompting for him to admit that
he only drove it "3,000 miles" (I assume that's per year) in that time.

Dave Van Horn   davevh@microsoft

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