On getting the fiber-board out of an XJ6 rej@cs.unc.edu writes...
>Sorry, the windows out won't help. The fiberboard fits inside the
>metal lip that is welded to the frame of the car. If you decide to
>replace the headliner it really wasn't that hard. It takes two
>people to do it. Afriend of mine replaced his in a series 2 xj6
>and he use a paint roller to smooth the headliner as he stuck it
>on the roof. In all cases it is prone to have a few wrinkles when
>installing it in the car. If you figure out how to remove the
>fiberboard piece and better yet how to get it back in. I would
>like to know.
>From my Haynes manual it appears that you get a wite strip of VELCRO
and use it to grip the fiber-board and "pull" so that it (bends and?) pops
out of the retaining lip. Does this sound right? Once you have the Fiber-board
down from the roof can you get it out the doors?
Rick I notice you wrote...
>It appears that ALL Jags drop their headlining. I've owned 4 and they all
>were down when I got them. I replaced the entire piece of cloth by
>cementing it into place with 3M brand spray adhesive.
How did you get the fiber-board out?
Regards #2 Scott.
Scott Fisher [scott@psy.uwa.oz.au] PH: Aus [61] Perth (09) Local (380 3272).
_--_|\ N
Department of Psychology / \ W + E
University of Western Australia. Perth --> *_.--._/ S
Nedlands, 6009. PERTH, W.A. v